Law Disks Links:
If you did not find what you
were looking for here at Law Disks software, perhaps we can recommend
some links to other sites.
Bankruptcy and Consumer Law:
The National Consumer Law
Center publishes an outstanding series of Manuals and Newsletters
on Bankruptcy, and many consumer law subjects.
The National Association
of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys is the best organization
for lawyers who wish to help consumers in bankruptcy. Its conferences
are the best places to learn the new bankruptcy law.
Real Estate and Mortgages:
For the latest regulations and
forms from U.S. Dept of HUD:
go to the source.
T Computer Software:
Download the Adobe Acrobat Reader from Adobe Corp. Documents in Acrobat
are common on the Internet, on CD-ROMs, and are a great way to
share and print files across different platforms. For free software to generate PDF files, try www.PrimoPDF.com